May 2, 2019
Ms. Margaret Campion
Director, Corporate Services
Riviera Industries Inc.
245 Dearborn Park Road
Chicago, Il 60610
Dear Ms. Campion:
It was great meeting you this morning and showing you our state of the art foams. As I mentioned in our conversations, we can make a various mattress or surfaces variations with and or without memory foam.
For rehabilitation purposes, we propose our High Resilience or our Smart Turn surfaces.
I am asking our marketing manager to send you a price list of these two mattresses with the same material the sample foam bag I left you have, as discussed I can bring a medium sample for your nurses to review and depending on which surface they like, I can leave you a full example for them to try out.
As you can see from our brochure, we can make just about any foam product in any different dimension with vinyl, P.U. 2/4 way stretch cover. I know in Rehab situations you work a lot with various foam pieces, to quote you on specific products we can go by and take dimensions of the particular foam pieces you may need, or you can send them to me via email for quotation purposes.
We look forward to bringing incredibly comfortable surfaces to your facility at competitive cost structures.
Please feel free to call me at (512) 749-6269 so that we can discuss this further. If I don’t hear from you by the end of next week, I will follow up with you and see if we can set up a meeting at your convenience.
Yours truly,
Roger Nichols
Chief Marketing Officer